Cheap flight alerts

Are you a travel enthusiast on a budget, always on the lookout for incredible deals that let you explore the world without breaking the bank? Look no further!

Cheap Flights Only is here to be your ultimate companion in the quest for affordable flights.

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100K+ Happy members
1M+ Alerts sent

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Ready to embark on your next adventure without emptying your wallet? Sign up for Cheap Flights Only alerts today and let the journey begin!

🚀✈️ Adventure awaits - let's make it affordable! ✈️🚀

Why use flight alerts?

🔔 Real-Time Alerts

Stay ahead of the curve with instant notifications about the latest and greatest flight deals. We scour the web to find the best prices so that you don't have to.

🌐 Global Coverage

Whether you're dreaming of a European getaway, an exotic Asian escape, or a domestic adventure, we've got you covered. Our alerts span the globe, offering a diverse range of destinations to suit every traveler's taste.

💸 Savings Galore

Our mission is simple - to help you save big on airfare. We specialize in finding hidden gems and limited-time promotions, ensuring you get the most bang for your travel buck.

Here's how flight alerts works

Join Cheap Flights Only

Simply hit the “Join Now” button below and enter your email address.

Select Departure Airports

Let us know the airport you’d like to fly from and we’ll start doing our magic.

Get Cheap Flight Alerts

We send alerts when we find flights up to 90% off leaving your airport.



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